Monday, May 28, 2012

Finding the Perfect Balance

Trying our straw bubble wands.
I think we need different solution as
 the ones we used didn't work well.
One of the things that I struggle with the most is balancing my time spent with my children and time spent on the million other things that I have to do in my daily life.  This summer, other than normal house chores; I'm trying to grow a garden in my greenhouse; I have to take a class online so I can advance to the next pay level; I need to start planning for the next school year because I'll be teaching a whole new subject; and I need to knit and crochet as much as I can to stock my inventory for a winter craft show I plan on doing.  

Jennah popping bubbles with her nose!
I've always been the one that is most successful with more irons in the fire - and of course, I need to be perfect in all aspects as well.  But, I notice that my time with my children gets put on hold more often than not.  Don't get me wrong - we spend a lot of time together, but I don't consider it quality time.  Today, for example, we went grocery shopping together - that's not something memorable for them.  And when we got home, we ate lunch and then I sent them outside to play as I cleaned out the freezer and fridge, then unloaded and put away the groceries, then cleaned the kitchen, then finally made myself go outside and play with them.  We didn't do anything spectacular - but the time we played was fun.  Bubbles and sidewalk chalk - never can go wrong!  I know that I will hit my goal of being a semi-perfect Mommy this summer - at least to my expectations.  It'll just take more planning - and the little voice inside that says, "play with your children!"


  1. I love that picture of Jennah. Remember that you need to make time to have fun...but it is also important for kids to see that there are things we "have to" do such as shopping, picking up, etc. And grocery stores CAN be fun! :)

  2. Totally agree - we have a daily routine of getting our chores done as we go so we have more time to play! I'm just trying to add some of the extra things in that I haven't been able to do for a long time. And grocery shopping with my kids. . .um - not fun! BUT, today, both were awesome and very well behaved at the store - so maybe there's a chance for fun there too. :o) Tomorrow, we are creating chore charts together for each of them - and they've already been such great helpers. Today, even, they were helping me in the greenhouse. <3
