Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Campfire & S'More!

Life has been busy the last few days and the weather has been gloomy.  But today. . .today was gorgeous!  It was SO gorgeous and warm out that I literally dropped everything I was doing and laid out in the sun for an hour and a half.  Don't worry - no sun burn here.  I'm so white, it'll take me all summer just to get a base tan.  Anyhoo - it was an hour and a half of absolute bliss!  Jennah wanted to watch a movie; Kylee picked "Dandy-lions" and played on her new swing set, and I?  Well, I vegged - in the sun, dozing in and out of consciousness soaking in the warmth of the sun and all of the Vitamin D that I could absorb!  What about the dishes??  Later. What about the stack of paperwork I need to file?  Later.  What about the endless knitting that needs to be done?  Later.  What about the laundry. . .well, you get the point.  I have not had an hour and a half to myself in a VERY long time; and even though I LOVE my children with all of my heart - that hour and a half was priceless!  Almost everything did get done later, with the exception of a few things - and that's simply because it was so nice out, we decided to put life on hold this evening and have our first bonfire or campfire of the summer!  

Mud Pie - Yum!  

Kylee not liking what I had to say obviously!
My little Spunky Monkey!
Campfire and S'mores!  I felt like I was on vacation.  Well, technically, I am, but you know what I mean.  Kylee enjoyed her S'More - Jennah just wanted to roast the marshmallow and then eat the chocolate - but, had fun roasting them.  After the fire, Jason and I were treated to flower decorated mud pies and more Alaskan sunshine.  The kids went to bed late after baths and books (summer reading through the local library - that'll be another blog), but, when the sun doesn't really set, and we don't see much of it in the winter - it's hard to go inside at "bedtime".  All in all - it was a great day!  

On another note - I got my new camera today!  I've been wanting this camera for a REALLY long time and finally bit the bullet and bought it.  So, I'm going to try to take more "professional" pictures with it.  I'm excited that this blog with help me practice with the camera.  

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